George Santos is nothing new.

Yeah, he lies with a straight face but this seems to be the feature instead of the bug of Republicans.

The rise of “win at any cost” politics, a.k.a. the contemporary Republican party, has returned to the vernacular a term from 1930s noir literature: gas lighting.

Let’s turn the gas-o-matic dial way back … all the way to May 2021.

Describing the January 6 insurrection, Georgia GOP representative Andrew Clyde, claimed that

“Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall…. you’d think it was a normal tourist visit.”

What’s odd is that Clyde felt the need to watch TV footage because, as the photo below shows, he was there.

As you might’ve guessed, he’s the guy not wearing a mask.

This is where the gas starts to hiss. How many times before this, as other “normal tourists” visited, had Clyde worked with security officers barricading the doors of the chamber of the house? How many times has he done so since January 6?

Since the answer to these questions is zero, we have one of the most graphic examples of recent political gas lighting since Trump declared his inauguration crowd was the largest in history. In both cases photographic evidence existed to directly contradict the point the gas lighters were making. And in both cases there were no consequences for such lies.

Good thing there was no exposed flame.

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